We have always done little bits here and there to reduce our environmental impact on our beautiful planet, and to encourage eco-friendly processes. Below is some info about where we are making changes in our methods and suppliers – if every business did little things like this in their business imagine the difference we could make to the planet! At Pinc our team tries to limit all our outgoing waste and use our resources sensibly – our rubbish bag to landfill is currently about 1 bag per month. We recycle our paper trimmings and our soft plastics, we collect all food scraps and take them to home to put in the compost. Our paper off cuts go to local schools/day-cares, and we try to work with responsible, local suppliers. Below has more specific info about our operation here at Pinc. We are open to ideas and feedback, and love hearing about better eco-friendly products and processes.

Pinc's Eco-Wrap
In 2018 we moved away from using plastic bubble wrap to send our items out to you. We invested in a machine that produces a cardboard bubble wrap alternative, re-purposing waste boxes, or using a corrugated cardboard product.

Cellophane bags for foil prints
Our A4 foil prints go out in biodegradable cellophane bags (as opposed to OPP plastic bags). We are struggling to find cellophane bags in A3 size, so if you know of any please let us know! Our foil prints are sent in a biodegradable cellophane bag with 910 gsm backing card to keep the print safe in transport.

Cellulose tape is a high quality film made from environmental-friendly, biodegradable cellophane film. The film is transparent and strong with a natural rubber solvent-based adhesive. We purchase this tape from Hardy Packaging.

Our print supplier was the first in their industry to have a Product Stewardship Scheme accredited by the Minister for the Environment, and today maintains a sustainability programme focused on fostering a more circular economy and reducing carbon emissions. They offer toner and used parts recycling programme, complemented by a machine recycling programme that sees more than 99.5% of every device recycled or reused. In 2022 they diverted more than 700 tonnes of material from landfill in this way. They are on a journey to achieve net carbon zero status by 2030, and regularly report on their sustainability initiatives here

Foil stamping is a totally dry, solvent free process, and card that has been foil stamped can be recycled. Our main foil supplier has provided information about independent studies conducted to determine the biodegradability and the recyclability of foil stamped paper, and these showed that foil has no visible effects in slowing down the rate of bio-degradation of the card. Foil also does not affect the re-pulpability of the paper substrate, and foil, like ink, can be successfully removed by the flotation de-inking process with no particles remaining once the paper was re-pulped. Our main supplier is constantly improving their environmental impact, and they are dedicated to creating effective waste management streams. This enables them to identify solutions to eliminate (100%) the need for landfill for foil or foil derivatives from their site, known as the Zero Foil to Landfill, backed by their local print industry federation.

compostable courier bags
To send parcels out we use compostable courier bags from R3 Pack. They are GMO free, made from corn starch and have a man-made binding agent added for flexibility, and use non-toxic inks. They are strong, waterproof but will biodegrade in a home compost in 3-6 months, also suitable in worm farms. When couriering envelopes and samples we line the track pack with an ultra thick piece of 910 gsm recycled cardboard to give it some rigid backing, and for bulky pieces we wrap it in eco-wrap before popping your goodies in these courier packs, meaning your print work is secure and sent in as eco-friendly a way as possible.

We have a range of paper stocks available at Pinc for purchase and used in-house for our own printing requirements.
Our paper supplier is committed to providing quality paper solutions that adhere to the strictest global environmental standards. They source paper from suppliers who carry credible environmental certifications and share our collective vision for responsible business practices. They do not purchase paper from milling firms who are known to operate or purchase timber acquired through deforestation.
All of the paper we use at Pinc adhere to some the following standards:
Fibre Source: Well Managed Forests (WMF) or FSC Mixed Sources – from well managed forests and other controlled sources.
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC): FSC certification supports responsible forest management worldwide. FSC certified forest products are verified from the forest of origin through the supply chain, ensuring the product is from responsibly harvested and verified sources.
Bleaching Process: Elemental Chlorine Free (ECF): ECF is a whitening technique that uses no elemental chlorine compounds for the bleaching of wood pulp for paper production.
Recycled Papers: Some of our papers are recycled (full or partially) which is where waste paper is returned into new paper products, either direct from the mill or through collected waste from commercial/residential properties.
We have a 100% recycled (but looks white) 350 gsm card stock, which is a first class, environmentally responsible paper, produced using FSC® Certified, 100% Post Consumer Recycled, PCF pulp. It is manufactured under the strict ISO14001 Environmental Management System, this stock has a number of internationally recognised environmental accreditations including the Blue Angel and Nordic Swan eco-labels and the Austrian Environmental Label.
Did you know that paper can usually be recycled up to six times before its fibrous quality becomes too unsuitable for reuse as paper. It is then usually either put through a waste management process or reused in a number of other ways (such as the bulking material put inside many modern office desks!) Don’t forget that paper is a natural product and is therefore biodegradable.
You can read a bit more about paper resources on our supplier’s website here –

cardboard business card boxes
Instead of the clear plastic business card boxes Pinc now manufacture these cardboard ones on site here – die cut from an environmentally responsible white card stock, these are a much better option! With our ultra thick sandwiched business cards, you can no doubt imagine we go through a fair few boxes sending them out to you!

Off cuts
With the paper stocks, foil printing, pocketfold manufacturing, die cutting, print calibration charts…we have some pretty great off cuts suitable for schools, day care centres, kindergartens, craft groups … these all go in to a separate bin which is available for collection, free to whoever stops in.